Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The rinky dinky way, is really a space elevator

Dave has a habit of giving new names to everything that he cannot pronounce. The Rilke Way in Trieste is called the Rinky-Dinky way. Duino is called Deuodenum. The Sistiana campsite is called the sinister campsite. The cave in Slovina called Skocjanske jame is renamed the Jamy Scotsman. We all know what he means, and we rename everything according to him.

So we have to book the campsite at Mare Pineta and he searches for it on the web and he even comes up with a webcam of the campsite.

Mare Pineta

The road looks fimiliar. The bushes and hedges look the same. The stones and the flowers are all Italian, so he books our accomodation online.

He then arrives at Sistiana and wants to book in, and they have no record of him ever registering online. Unreal, he has emails to prove it.

Mare Pineta Trieste

He carefully explains that he went to their website and looked at their webcam. They say they do not have a webcam. He shows them the email records of his registration. They say they have not sent him anything. He is totally confused, and tells the receptionist that she does not want to see a big angry man who is drunk being refused accomodation.

To cut a long story short there are two campsites called Mare Pineta. One in Trieste and one in Tuscany. Dave had booked the one in Tuscay... but he can't believe it because of the video evidence of the webcam. The strangest thing is that when you look at the Webcam of Mare Pineta in Tuscany it is almost an exact replica of Mare Pineta in Trieste. Everyone is dumbfounded that two georaphically seperate places should look the same.

Dave is convinced that he has discovered a parallell universe. A worm hole to a new world. A break in the space time continum. He believes there is a worm hole in a trailer park in Trieste that will transport him to a trailer park in Tuscany, and when he arrives there he will be 40 years younger. He wants to step into that other world where he is a sleek 13 stone Adonis, instead of a 20 stone old man who huffs and puffs when he has to climb stairs.

He is of the opinion that with time travel that you can never get anything right. What happens is you can get the exact place you want to go to but never the right time. If he were to transport himself back to Cambridge, he would arrive there but not in the present time. With his luck he would land about the time of the black death.

The other possibility with time travel is that you get the time exactly right but the location is out of whack. So when you want to transport yourself to the Red Sea for a bit of scuba diving, you end up being blown to bits by an Israeli rocket launcher in Gaza.

I am half convinced that the Sistiana campsite really is the Sinister campsite after all, and that Dave is drinking too much water which is bad for him.

Dave wants to step on the space elevator that is the Rinky Dinky way

He just wants to be taken away from here.

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