Monday, June 21, 2004


Returned at midnight from Football match. Put my car keys on the table. In the morning got up washed, shaved, and had some breakfast. Looked for my keys, but they were not to be found. Searched in the bedroom, on all the shelves, and flat surfaces, looked in all my pockets, of all my jackets hanging up in the hall. Hunted behind the sofa. Lifted cushions, searched the toilet and bathroom, looked in all the nooks and cranies in the kitchen. I was totally confused, since I could plainly remember that I put them on the table so they would be easy to pick up in the morning.

Maija helped me to look for them, and asked me helpful questions, that would retrace my steps. We went through everything I did from the time I came home. I thought this is ridiculous I must be getting old since I can't remember where I put my keys. This would never happen to Maija she remembers everything.

It was now past 9:00 and I was late for work. God in his heaven did not reveal to us where the keys were. I asked Maija if she had seen them when she had gone down to the laundry, or could she have pick them up and put them somewhere else. But she had not seen them, and hadn't moved them.

Then the miraculous happened. She put her hand in her pocket and there the keys were. They had suddenly appeared in her pocket. She was astonished and all she could say was How did those get there???

Isn't God marvelous?

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